I skipped school todaay and went for driving exams.
I was awake at 7 and get back to sleep till 8.30 am.
I get myself prepared and
nervous-ing. lol..
After uncle pick me up,
Uncle pick two more boy from taman orkid desa and one don't know what taman.
Head to Hulu Langat,
My school!!! I saw my school!!!
I miss you, dar~ lol..haha
Reached and waited.
I was told I am
Lucky number?
During the queue, a malay guy came and said he is 17.
I was like..@@ how now?
I am 17 too.
I hate them!!! Bully me!!!
All keep ask me recheck.
Asking me am I sure.
Keep ask me go check and comfirm la..
A guy asked me : "
Are you sure you comfirm?"
Go comfirm la!!"
Blek!!!Stop your crapping english.
Don't look down on my english!!!
My english not bad de!!!
Bullshit them.
The boy came with me helped me to check on mine and comfirmed.
And the malay guy said he is no.16.
Thanks to the boy that help me to check on too.^^
Whenever I am, I'll always lucky to be protected^^. haha..
Both the boy elder than me I do called them korkor.^^
I was almost failed in the first part.
The other two boy taught I would fail too.
My uphill was like
rolled back abit.
The two boy was following behind me and they shock to see what I done. lol
Uncle was there looking at us.
Thanks uncle. I miss you uncle.. lol..haha
After pass, we were like fail ar? pass ar?
haha.. Three of us pass^^.
Here we waited for exam on the road,
My number was called twice and waited with the other boy.
I don't know how the examiner look like.
The other boy remembered and they observe who's mine too.
I failed to achieve two marks more.
I'm highest among three of us.^^
Pro neh? haha..
Uncle asked us to wait and we headed to canteen and talk with joy.
Laughed and teased.
Nice guy I met I guess? They aren't
LCLY but friendly too?
This two guy make my day easier to go through.
Not so bored.
Xin Ren and
Guo Lin.^^
Thanks guys.^^
LOL.. we teased those who retake the test. lol..
What happen we failed too? haha..
I miss my school and I enjoyed my experience too..haha
They said I'm special^^.
As what they say same to my friend wrong emotions.
They do asked what my ambition and they were like..
HAR!!!WHAT?!?!?VET???Lol.. haha.. Me too @@
blur*Why not?haha..
Kok Leong, I think about you the boy told me he wants to be singer.
Lol..haha.. Form 3.. haha..
MEMORIES*Besides, I'm talkative today.
Over excited to pass!!!
Lucky, Lucky day~~