Monday, January 5, 2009

...:::* Hate her *:::...

First day of school.
How is it?
The first day of school will always be fast.
It will just end in just few blink.

I was feeling damn happy that if Ananda were principal.
He is not the principal.
He is just assistant?

Such an acting principal she needs an assistant?
Crapping, Complaining to parents, and etc.
Can't she just leave her job when she knows she is not useful anymore.


If she is good enough in her life,
She don't need to tell all the craps in school.
An acting principal that dislike by students, teachers, and parents.
She is totally " SAT BAI".

Hey man~(i mean that woman)
Trash have their goods too!!
Trash can be decomposed too.
They just need time.

Faeces are useless in our body.
But they are still useful as fertilizer.

You, yourself saying that others were trash.
What about yourself!!!
You trash too!!!
Don't look down on people!!!
Trash from you!!
Think before you talk.
They won't be trash if you didn't come up with it.

You, yourself trash!
You makes no one likes you.
Can't blame us.
You did it by yourself.
Trashy acting principal.

I am not going to show out my anger.
I know I don't like you damn much.
Hates all around you.
Better leave soon,
I'm afraid I'll get influences by you to be a trash too.

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