Tuesday, October 19, 2010

...::* Again *::..

Hohoho.. Merry X'mas!! @@
I got it again. haha..
What I got?
I got mumble early morning from my BayB.
What will it be about? SAME TOPIC!!! haha..
He has got a daddy style. *tumbs up* lol..

Everyone taking benefits from me.
Using me wor..
"Will you like if someone treat you everyday?"
"Will you feel bad if everyday ask help from the same human?"
"What I tells you never get into your mind."
"You are stubborn. Can't you please say NO for once?"
"Once doesn't mean really one time ONLY"
"You have rights to say no!!!"
"Help but with limit to yourselves"
"Axxxx is a troublesome guy doesnt matter we are friends, help him."
"Not to those who are unknown"
"See, everyone getting help from you."
"You never change!! Don't give me that stupid face."
"Once again I will not care about you."
"Don't you know how to talk?"
"If I were Lxxxx, you would not be getting this scolding ONLY."
"Do not tell me is your character. It can be change"
"Why you like that? Why??? Can you let me know why?" *He smiles :)*

Once again the same trend.
Get mumbled for the same things. lol..
I can remember what he said.
Well, i helped out for PEOPLE's assignments.
What now? Quizzes for unknown.
Giving a hand is what my responsibility. lol..
A call for me I will just answer YES.
Don't you dare ask me to marry you.
Definitely a NO for you. :)

The one who doesn't knows how to say NO.
So the stubborn wor.. lol..
I have no idea why am I in the way.
I'm trying to get into the society.
No one had betrayed me till now la..
I'm still protected. ==

Tutor said:
Science student likes to argue back.
They are more to facts.
Art students think more wide.
This proved that I have science quality. lol.. JOKING.

I'm trying to learn. ==
Trying to THINK. ==

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